Monday, September 1, 2014

Currently Linky Party

Ok ... Honestly .... This is my first ever Linky Party!!!! I am excited to meet some new teacher bloggers. I've linked up with Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for this month's "Currently".

Listening to my daughter read "Wonders".
I'm trying to kill two birds with one stone. I am getting ready to begin this novel study with my students in a couple of weeks and my daughter needs AR points .... win, win for both of us! This is one of the best novels I gave ever read about accepting others and true friendship.

Loving a day with NO necessary plans!
Life in Singleyville (as we call it) is super busy. One daughter plays volleyball, the other daughter plays soccer and the Mr. & I play co-ed volleyball. September's calendar is looking CrAzY!!! I'm loving that today, we have no plans. The Mr. and the oldest have even gone to pick up pizza so we don't have to cook.

Thinking: Why am I awake?
Is anyone out there like me? If you ever have a day to sleep in, you're wide awake way before you desire!!! I had total thoughts of sleeping in this morning, but there I was, wide awake thinking of so many things that needed to be done.

Wanting to be shopping!!!
I am not a fashionista. I am not a decorator. I am not a shoe person. But, I love shopping. I am an addicted to clearance person. I love shopping around and finding the best deals on things for my classroom and my home. I could shop for hours and never buy a thing and still be happy. Honestly. I love to look. And people watch. There's always people watching to do!!! 

Needing to use my Michael's 20% Q.
I can't think of a single thing that I NEED but tons of things that I WANT. The fact that I have a 20% coupon for today hanging out in my email unused is just about more than I can handle. Oh well. For now, it's lunch time and I'm still happily in my pajamas with a floppy bun on top of my head.

3 Trips: Route 66, California & Alaska
The Mr. and I have big dreams of renting an RV and driving from one end of Route 66 to the other, stopping and enjoying any and every site we want on the way. We love camping and have a pull behind trailer so this would be a perfect vacay for us. Our kids really aren't sure what a vacation is that includes a hotel. We rarely ever have those kinds. I would also love to see the California beaches and the Alaskan sky. So, it's your turn. Link up and tell us what's "currently" going on in your world!
"Currently" with Farley
